Monday, November 24, 2008

Response II

Female Homosexual/Lesbian

What does the term "Gender Queer" mean to you?

To me, on a very basic level, 'gender queer' means you fall outside of the definitions of or choose to not identify yourself as strictly male or female. I don’t believe the term ‘gender queer’ can be used to identify a person other than yourself until they claim the term. It seems many people who are unfamiliar with any gender queer issues (and even some who are) would automatically assume that just because a ‘member’ of one sex (assuming ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ refer to the same set of distinctions) dresses in clothing made or meant for the ‘opposite’ sex, they are gender queer, confused, or gay. And in that sense, on a superficial level heteronormativity can be directly related to ‘gender queers’ because those who would assume clothing equals gender queer equals gay would not even necessarily see a distinction between the two. The same goes for men who are labeled as effeminate – generally considered gay, not gender queer, but which is it really- if either? But in all actuality, the fact the heterosexuality is considered the ‘normal’ or ‘regular’ sexual orientation is no different than calling someone who is a ‘gender queer’ gender queer at all. We are assuming the ‘male’ and ‘female’ are the ‘normal’ and ‘regular’ genders, which leads into all the research done that supports a spectrum or several ‘genders’. But back to the question, ‘gender queer’ would be any person who self-identifies as neither rigidly male nor female. I don’t think that gender queer necessarily refers to someone who considers themselves to be actually in mind and spirit of the ‘opposite’ sex because that would be more of a transgender leaing, which can fall under the general umbrella of gender queer, but once someone transitions, they usually fully accept their true gender, which would no longer equate ‘gender queer’. But sometimes, someone who feels gender queer wears clothing of the ‘opposite sex’ because they are more comfortable in those clothes. I still don’t think wearing clothes designated for the opposite sex intrinsically identifies one a gender queer.

What types of people do you think of when you hear the term?

I don’t think of any particular 'type' of person. You can’t identify anyone as a ‘gender queer’ unless they first claim it. I suppose the common answer would be a drag queen or transgendered person. With which I disagree completely. As I said, the transgender individuals I know fully identify as Male or Female, thus going through a transition to physically appear more masculine or feminine, to match their rigid gender, usually either male or female. One issue with gender identity in general is that I think most people forget how easy it is for a female bodied person to put on ‘male’ clothing and go out into the public and not necessarily be accepted, but be tolerated. That same feat for a male bodied individual to go out in ‘female’ clothing, in which they may feel comfortable (for whatever reason), is almost impossible unless they are performing in drag or living as a woman. But if a woman puts on a ‘man’ shirt and jeans is she gender queer? If a man wears a dress and a wig and makeup, is he gender queer? If gender is not based on what we wear or how we speak or who we date, what is it based on? The dictionary says your gender IS your sex, and your sex IS derived from what reproductive organs you have. I guess really ‘gender queer’ could refer to anyone who feels that your gender and your sex are not the always the same. Which means it’s a much more broad term.

What are your thoughts on heteronormativity in relation to "gender queers"?

Basically I feel like if the world of heteronormativity would prefer that the topic of ‘gender queers’ never be brought to light because it makes ‘regular’ people who already marginalize gay and lesbians uncomfortable. But more importantly we must accept the fact that not only gays and lesbians are gender queer and there are heterosexual individuals that identify as gender queer as well. Gender queer is not a homosexual issue alone, nor is it really always a sexuality issue, and I think many gay people forget that and tend to marginalize that population. As well as the transgender population- being transgender is not inherently a ‘gay’ issue, there are same sex relationships and opposite sex relationships in the trans community. But because it IS still considered a ‘sexual minority’, it becomes the responsibility of gay, lesbian, bi and questioning people to be open and accepting, not tolerating, because that is bull shit, of the trans community. Sorry, major tangent. Those are my thoughts, anyway.

I was very thankful for this thorough response. Still trying to get answers like this.

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